• Turnkey Manufacturing Services

    Spring International is a small privately owned manufacturing machine shop that specializes in close tolerances and complicated designs.

    We offer start to finish manufacturing which includes assembly, coating, heat treatment, and more. We are able to achieve this by working closely with some of the best service providers in the United States of America.


    Current Certifications and Status

    Texas HUB



    Joint Certification Program (JCP)



    Spring International goal is to continue to provide 100% on time delivery and high quality parts.


    Team Projects

    Past and Present Projects of Spring International

    Latch Assembly

    Latches shuttle to space station.

    Equipment Hook

    Titanium hook used to latch equipment such as camera and tools to astronaut during space walk.

    Firearm Accessories

    Titanium muzzle brakes.

    Industrial Flange

    316 stainless steel industrial flange.

    Safety Tether Assembly

    Safety tether used during underwater training.

    Electrical Enclosure

    Gold Alodined electrical enclosure.

    Spring International is a Proud Partner of www.machininginfo.com

    Visit now to recieve 100% free Gibbscam training videos and more.

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